Lean Pie With Leeks – For Connoisseurs and Food Lovers

Lean Pie With Leeks

Lean pie with leeks – a delicious temptation. November is the month, in the markets in our country, we can find leeks, great for today’s offer. Lenten pie with leeks is wonderful, both for winter fasting and for the Christmas Eve table.

Lean pie with leeks

Extremely easy to prepare, even the most inexperienced housewife can handle this recipe. The products you need to get are leeks and pie crusts, the rest of the ingredients are available in every household. Roll up your sleeves and prepare our lean leek pie to impress your loved ones. And for people observing the 40-day fast until Christmas, there is no better breakfast offer than a delicious and warm, freshly baked pie without animal products.

How to make a pie with leeks and onions?

Easy, easy and easy again… 🙂

Necessary products for the pie

  • 1 package of pie crusts (fine or sach, to your taste);
  • 7-8 sprigs of leek;
  • oil;
  • white pepper (maybe black);
  • salt.

How to prepare lean pie with leeks

Clean, wash and finely chop the leek. Put oil in a pan and fry the leek until soft. Add salt and pepper to taste. Allow the filling to cool completely so that the pie does not become soggy.

Roll out one crust, brush lightly with oil and place evenly, over the entire crust, from the filling (if using thin crusts, place two at a time). Roll the crust, turn it like a snail and put it in a pre-greased pan. Repeat with the remaining crusts until the tray is full.

Brush the pastry lightly with oil and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden. Enjoy your lean pie with leeks while it’s warm.


If you liked our recipe for lean leek pie, check out our other suggestions for beans with sauerkraut and the other one for creamy pumpkin soup.


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