Marinade For Bulgarian Royal Pickle Torshi

Bulgarian Royal Pickle
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If you don’t know how to make the marinade for royal pickles or have doubts, I present a breakdown for 700/720/800ml jars and 3-liter jars.

It’s unlikely that there’s anyone who hasn’t tried or heard of the royal pickle, which combines a variety of vegetables and is most commonly made with vinegar marinade when prepared in jars, or brine when made in a barrel.

How to make the marinade for royal pickles

In this article, we will look at how to prepare the marinade for this well-known pickle with variations for different jar capacities for your convenience.

The marinade usually consists of vinegar, salt, sugar, and water, which together give the typical sweet-sour taste of the pickles.

There are two types of marinade for this pickle: warm marinade and cold marinade. With the warm marinade, the ingredients are boiled on the stove, while with the cold one, they are poured directly into the jar and topped up with warm water.

Marinade for 700/800 ml jars

If you want to prepare a smaller quantity of pickles, for example in a 700 (720) or 800 ml jar, the marinade should be stronger and well-balanced. Here are the ingredients needed for such a jar:

  • Vinegar (6%): 100 ml (up to the lower mark of the jar)
  • Sugar: 1 tbsp (up to 2 tbsp)
  • Salt: 1 tbsp
  • Water: about 500 ml (the amount depends on how many vegetables you will have in the jar)
  • Celery for aroma

Note: For an 800 ml jar, you can add slightly more of all the ingredients, on average by 1/8.

Method for 720/800 ml jars (compote jars):

For a cold marinade, pour all the ingredients into the jar in the amounts described above.

In a pot, mix the vinegar, salt, sugar, and water. Stir well until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.

Wash and chop the desired vegetables (cauliflower, carrots, bell peppers…). You can also add spices of your choice, such as celery or garlic.

Pack the vegetables tightly in the jar and pour the marinade so that it covers the vegetables. Seal the jar, turn it upside down, and then store it in a cool place.

Marinade for royal pickles in 3-liter jars

If you want to make a larger quantity of pickles, the following recipe is calculated for a 3-liter jar:

  • Vinegar (6%): 300 ml (or up to the lower mark of the jar)
  • Sugar: 3 tbsp
  • Salt: 2 to 3 tbsp
  • Water: about 2 liters
  • Celery and other spices as desired (black peppercorns, bay leaves, allspice)

Method for 3-liter jars:

For a cold marinade, pour all the ingredients into the jar in the amounts described above.

For a warm marinade: bring the water to a boil in a suitable pot and add the salt, sugar, and vinegar. Let the solution come to a boil, stirring until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.

Chop the vegetables into large pieces. The most commonly used are carrots, cauliflower, and bell peppers, but you can also add chili peppers, cabbage, green tomatoes, cucumbers, and others. Add celery leaves. You can also add garlic and parsley if desired.

Pack the vegetables tightly in the 3-liter jar and pour the warm (not hot) marinade so that it completely covers them.

Close the jars with lids, turn them upside down to mix the ingredients, and after a day, move them to a cool place.

Useful tips for the marinade:

  • Additions: For a richer flavor, you can add spices like dill, mustard seeds, or allspice to the marinade. They give the pickles a unique taste.
  • Vinegar: A 6% vinegar concentration is most commonly used. If you use stronger vinegar (e.g., 9%), you can reduce its quantity in proportion to the water.

By following the correct proportions for the marinade and its preparation, you can make the perfect pickle for any occasion.


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